
Camden University offers a range of postgraduate and professional programs across a wide range of subjects to help you achieve your career aspirations.

Taught postgraduate and professional programs  including our new Continuing Professional Development framework , can lead to a master's degree, an accredited professional qualification or similar achievement.

Awards ranging from masters level to PhD can also be earned through Research in areas where the University has relevant expertise

A selected few of the listings offered.
Refer to COURSES for complete list

Postgraduate taught qualifications include:
  • Master of: Science (MSc), Arts (MA), Education (MEd), Enterprise (MEnt), Research (MRes), Music (MusM), Public Health (MPH)
  • Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip)
  • Postgraduate Certificate (PGCert)
Postgraduate research qualifications include:
  • Doctor of: Philosophy (PhD), Engineering (EngD), Enterprise (EntD), Business Administration (DBA) 
  • Master of:  Philosophy (MPhil), Research (MRes), Science (MSc, directed research), Enterprise (MEnt), Dental Science (MDSC)

Business Postgraduate research.

The Faculty of Business and Economics is not merely a teaching institution but a productive community of students, teachers, research scientists, business experts, foreign professors and graduates of the Faculty taking a job or conducting business in the region; in other words, a regional knowledge center for people who apply the knowledge offered by economic and business sciences.

Prospective Students    

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